Feminist Thinking and Calling a Boy a “Pussy”

I’m so feminist–but not because I think women are superior at all. Instead, I just think all people, everywhere, are equal. So, I live my life believing that I can do anything a man can do and so can my three daughters. My husband can do anything I can do as well. And our relationship is a testament that we are living in inspiration.  There are many things each of us enjoy doing and so we don’t let society decide who will do those things in our family.

I try to live with the teachings of Abraham as my guide, and so I’d like to gently bring up this topic that boys being called a “pussy” by an adult is such a sore point with me. I believe this name calling practice (and calling anyone a name that creates a weak and a strong) definitely reinforces TO the future men of our society, that they are weak if they are like a girl….Have you also had enough of this judgment?   More

What Every Mom Should Know (Not Parenting Instructions, but How to Love Yourself Instructions)

What Every Mom Should Know (Not Parenting Instructions, but How to Love Yourself Instructions)

Really, a few simple and easy ways to improve your Parenting.

Whether you chose parenting seriously or not, you are in it. There are some things I wish I had known before I had ever had children. I wished I had an aunt or a big sister to tell me the big secrets in life, or a Mom who had been through things that I could relate to. I was somewhat confident before I became a parent—confident in other areas of life, but I was relying on others for my “esteem”! I got married, became a parent, and got divorced so quickly, it seems like I blinked! So, when I landed in the dumps, I had to really re-build who I was, my complete foundation, all over again.

So, I am creating this article to entail some of the characteristics all Moms should have in order to fulfill themselves—first. I mean, like, first. Before her spouse and her child, there are certain beliefs that have to happen for a woman to be comfortable with herself, and love living in her own skin. More

Weight Loss Affirmations

Would using weight loss affirmations make your dream of being slim a reality?  Take some time to make your emotional journey into your belief system about your weight (be honest) and then change your belief system.  You may or may not need to eat differently though!

Ok, now I have to be honest.  I’ve never struggled with weight problems.  I grew up with a fast metabolism and was always super slim.  And then, I had kids.  After my first at age 28, I lost most of the 58 pounds I’d gained being pregnant, but I couldn’t get below 130 pounds back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 112 (I’m only 5’2″).  I set my goal of losing weight, but I didn’t focus on how much, I just wanted to feel better about myself, so I kept on exercising and eating slightly differently until I found the right mix for me.

I mentally just kept on telling myself that I would find the solution though!  And, that I would know what to do as I kept on asking for the answers, and that the “signs” would be there. And, so that is what turned out to be true for me.  I became vegetarian at the time, not to lose weight, but just to try a healthier lifestyle, and that really helped me to lose weight. NOT because it’s a truth that a vegetarian somehow eats less calories than a meat eater, but ONLY because this was the solution that somehow fit the bill for my request to lose the weight.

What I realize about changing anything about self, is that we have to love and appreciate ourselves all the time, instead of constantly judging ourselves.  Haven’t you had enough of feeling like you aren’t good enough?  This is especially true with weight, because so many people feel lousy when they set a goal and then the goal isn’t reached.  Instead of using judgmental phrases like, “I’m not fitting in my clothes,” “I feel fat,” “I don’t have any energy because I ate too much,” “I can’t seem to lose any weight,” “I used to be fit,” it would be far better to just happily accept yourself where you are at.  You might be comforted to know you are in exactly the right place right now, and that you are asking for a change in yourself because you feel ready NOW.  Just keep enjoying your right now as much as you can, because this will give you the power to make your future good.

Using any of these phrases means that you have given up your power, so it is time to take your power back.  Every single thing that happens to us is a direct reflection of the thoughts we are thinking about ourselves, and therefore our belief systems.  Get rid of your mental clutter by replacing the power sucking phrases with good positive affirmations about weight loss.  When you have a real confidence in general, you wouldn’t even need to try to lose weight, it would just happen as a result of your confidence.

Here are what I view as the best weight loss affirmations that are general and likely to make you feel good all the time:

  • I love knowing that every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.
  • I love being passionate about a few important things, and I pursue these hobbies with zest.
  • I love expanding my consciousness so that I feel connected to my source often.
  • I love appreciating myself and all of my successes.
  • I love knowing that I make a difference in the world.
  • I appreciate my family, friends, ancestors, coworkers, community for all the joy they bring my life.
  • I am getting more and more thrilled to begin each day, and get inspired to do something fun.
  • I am energetic and I love feeling healthy.
  • I have vitality, focus, and clarity on all topics.
  • I focus my attention so that I feel good about myself regularly and consistently.

Remember the times that you have felt thin, and try to find the feelings that went with it. Eventually, you will find that the good feelings you have about yourself will be more than 50% of the time, and that is when you can start losing weight effectively, as long as you let go of resistant thoughts about it.

And, here are a few more specific ones that may also help with weight loss, but only if it feels good saying them:

  • I feel slim when I drink water.  (I have heard Esther Hicks say that all people should drink enormous amounts of water, because it is life-giving, but that we should also bless our food and drink to give it a vibration of appreciation and love.  This gives us better health.)
  • I love the feeling of shopping for clothes that I feel good in.
  • I know that as I get inspired to eat, I am being guided to which foods are right for me.
  • I am thrilled that I have this opportunity to fulfill my wishes.
  • I know that anything I believe, I can achieve; I am expecting great things from myself and know that they are coming.

And, of course, you can do anything you create in your mind, as long as you really believe it’s possible for you.  I believe in you, and want you to know that there is an endless stream of abundance that is flowing all the time to you; when you realize lots of positive things about yourself, you are able to tap into this stream.  Cheers to your abundance, health, and happiness!  Much love.