I am that I am Dr Wayne Dyer

I am super excited at the changes I feel in my life using the “I am that I am” affirmation by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I’m reading Wishes Fulfilled by Dyer, and finding it a very satisfying read.  Most importantly, I am trying to feel within my body the true feelings that come with “I am that I am.”

Where this phrase comes from is the Bible, but how many others have written about it afterwards, who knows?  I just know that the way Dr. Dyer explains anything makes the material easy and fun to learn and use.  He says that when we say, “I am that I am,” it means that since we came from God, we are a part of God, and therefore, we can conjure and create anything we want.  As in, “all things are possible with God.”

Maybe you can relate, as when I was young and ready to take on the world, my confidence came from God, but I attributed it to good situations in my life (like going to college and getting a good job)…so when the good situations changed…I lost my confidence!

I now have built the foundation again so that my confidence comes from knowing who I am…the “I am that I am” concept being a big part of it, so that nothing outside of me (external) can shake my confidence now.  I love getting older, and since today is my birthday, I thought I’d be thankful for this blessing that has entered my life at exactly the right time so that I can think on it and nurture it into the next years.  I am so much happier because of this idea that I don’t even have words for it.

Once I understood this concept that I really am the same material as God, I have gone on to use especially meaningful positive affirmations using the “I am” concept…

I am strong. I am perfect.  I am unique.  I am creative.  I am inspired.  I am abundant.  I am free.  I am love.  I am flexible.

I am whatever I decide to be, and I can change.  I am kind.  I am generous.  I am in service.  I am fun.  I am complete.  I am satisfied.  I am eager.  I am enthusiastic.  I am vitality.  I am energy.  I am empowered.  I am passionate.  I am sincere. I am beautiful.

And so the list can go on and on, and maybe you will find some you like and use them in your own life and really feel who you are.  If you have something you’d like to change, you can remind yourself who you are as well, and think only on these affirmations.  This is who you are (rather than the doubts, fears, or worries you have)…and the naysayers are always wrong, but sometimes they point us in the right direction…to who we want to be…:)

Please lmk how you like these powerful affirmations.  I am always seeing you as your highest self.

Much love from Jen C.

You Can’t Jump From Anger to Happy

Changing your vibration takes some time, and you can’t jump from anger to happy easily.  Have you noticed this already?  It’s true!

If you are angry, you slowly move up the emotional scale…you go from anger to resentment maybe, or anger to frustration. And then, from there, you might move into a more positive state.  You can ask for relief from where you are at to move up the scale more easily and quickly.  Or just get into a different vibe by changing the topic.

Dropping the issue is so effective, because you release your resistance to it.  If you had an argument with your spouse, it has the potential to eat you up all day.  Or you can find one of a few ways that work for you to let it go.  Let’s think about what works best for the most people.

I already mentioned two, getting relief, and changing the subject.  I also find that getting some exercise really helps, because my body is happy and active AND the subject is changed simultaneously.  And, finding appreciation in all of the things that you do love about this spouse, or any other topic you love.

What works best for you to release your anger and get back to being happy?

Much love!

What Every Mom Should Know (Not Parenting Instructions, but How to Love Yourself Instructions)

What Every Mom Should Know (Not Parenting Instructions, but How to Love Yourself Instructions)

Really, a few simple and easy ways to improve your Parenting.

Whether you chose parenting seriously or not, you are in it. There are some things I wish I had known before I had ever had children. I wished I had an aunt or a big sister to tell me the big secrets in life, or a Mom who had been through things that I could relate to. I was somewhat confident before I became a parent—confident in other areas of life, but I was relying on others for my “esteem”! I got married, became a parent, and got divorced so quickly, it seems like I blinked! So, when I landed in the dumps, I had to really re-build who I was, my complete foundation, all over again.

So, I am creating this article to entail some of the characteristics all Moms should have in order to fulfill themselves—first. I mean, like, first. Before her spouse and her child, there are certain beliefs that have to happen for a woman to be comfortable with herself, and love living in her own skin. More

What are Positive Affirmations

I obviously LOVE using positive affirmations on a regular basis throughout my day–I see the power I am creating within myself, I see how good I feel when I focus in this particular way, I see so many good things happening right before my eyes.  But what if you are wondering if any sort of inspirational mantra or affirmation would work for you or someone you love?  Are you a believer, or are you sitting on the fence about whether or not “I am” statements work? Definitely spend some time deciding which camp you are in!  You will have evidence that positive affirmations work depending on which you believe…and get my free self love report as well! 🙂

Look closely at your belief system…be loving as you do, because every person has some limiting beliefs about himself.  For instance, there are people who believe they can do anything they set their mind to, and there are others who just “know” they wouldn’t succeed at a task so they don’t even try.  There are people who think they have always been “fat” and others who believe that they can eat anything, have a fast metabolism, and stay slim.  When you look at these two examples, success attitude or metabolism/weight, you will notice which people you know in each group.

Think of the people you know, your own family and friends, coworkers, spouse, and children, and of course–yourself–and now try to realize your own beliefs about yourself and the world around you.  Take the time to see in which of the following areas of your life you feel you are successful, or if you have a lot of doubt, fear, or confusion.

The main life areas I’d think have the most significance are:

  • Self, including self-love
  • Family,
  • Education,
  • Relationship with spouse,
  • Children,
  • Work,
  • Money
  • Health
  • Friends
  • Community and Service.

When you look at each topic, what comes up for you?  Do you include loving statements about yourself each day, such as, “I am a kind person, a successful person, a great cook, an awesome wife or mother”?  Get on board with using these statements to help yourself reach your goals! In family, do you realize how important you are in the world and your family?  Make a statement!  Do you believe you are smart, or at least smart enough to accomplish a particular goal?  Do you realize what amazing qualities you bring to your relationship with your partner? You are the only person in the entire world that has ever had the particular mix of traits YOU offer.  Give yourself credit freely and often.

Do you enjoy being a parent?  Have you realized your gifts in parenting?  What work are you doing here on earth and do you love it?  Would you like to change some thing about your path, but don’t know how?  Are you making the money you’d like to make?  Would you like an increase in money without a lot of extra work?  And, are you healthy?  Do you realize how many parts of your body DO work right, do you realize how you heal each time you’ve been sick?  Do you know that being sick is a choice?  Are you self-actualizing in the way you’d like, with your hobbies, friends, and community service?

I bet you are shocked at some of the beliefs you didn’t realize were there.  Well, here is the way to resolve how to get where you want to be.  Stay focused, and allow yourself to tap into the abundance that is always flowing for you.  Don’t go back into your past looking for ways to relive it.  Forgive others, move on, and create your future with nothing but eagerness and fun.  I heard it said that there is a reason why our eyes are in the front of our heads, so we don’t look back. Don’t let your limiting beliefs of the past or present continue to determine your bright, amazing future.  You deserve the best!

Positive affirmations are helpful statements a person can make to his/herself to affirm or declare who he is and what he wants.  Many times, the statement begins with “I am…” for affirming in the present and asking for a particular trait that he is seeking is extremely important.

Examples of a few I am statements are:

  • I am strong,
  • I am rich,
  • I am healing,
  • I am loving and peaceful,
  • I am happy.

Using an I am statement is so powerful because it creates a vibration in that emotional state, as long as the person believes it to be true.  Yet, sometimes people do use an affirmation that isn’t really true because that is what they desire and wish to have more of, a very helpful and important thing to do.

I use a combination of “I am” statements, but I also use statements such as, “Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.”  This is an all around, one-two-punch positive affirmation that covers all your bases.  I also remind myself frequently that:

  • “All good things come to me”,
  • All is well,
  • Every thing is working out for me.
  • Life is easy, life is fun, all  is well and getting “well-er” as said by Esther Hicks.

All things I affirm are meant to be done in a general way or about a specific topic, I just choose the ones that feel good at the time.  For instance, if I’ve been noticing how good things are with my husband, I milk it and affirm how great our marriage is for a few minutes while I am alone in thought.  I do the same for my children, noticing all of their triumphs and successes, how amazing they are doing, how happy I am to be their mother.  I find myself repeating often that “my greatest blessings call me mother.”

You are smart, and you can easily see that anything I repeat to myself is phrased positively and in the present tense.  As the law of increase declares, “whatever you praise will increase.”  So, make it a point to praise all the things in life that are working out wonderfully; notice them, appreciate them, and more love, appreciation, and good situations and people will come to you.

The alternate is also true, that if you are complaining, you will get more things to complain about, so be cautious if this has become your normal state of thinking.  It is possible to get back to a state of appreciation on EVERY topic in your life, but it takes practice.  This is because negativity happens over time, and it can’t be changed in a day, but if you practice appreciation and positive affirmations REGULARLY and don’t give up on them, they will change your life.

So, what are positive affirmations?  The single-most powerful tool you have to become the genius, loving, healthy, wealthy, and happy, joyous person you were meant to be.  They can be easily used with hypnosis, subliminals, The Silva Method, and many other techniques with great success to change your belief system or change your paradigm. Use them with reckless abandon to feel good on the way to all the things you desire.

I promise!  Much love.

Using Positive Affirmations with Subliminals

Whatcha been thinking about?  Are you using positive affirmations with subliminals yet?  If your inner dialogue or “script” sounds like chaotic banter, maybe you should consider this mega-charged combination for inner growth!  Affirmations allow us to program our own minds, while in a conscious state, while subliminals, especially those that use the alpha and theta brain waves, also tap into the unconscious beliefs.  So, changing both is needed for life improvements.  What you live and tell yourself all the time becomes your script, your “story”, or your unconscious belief system.  And, all of those can be changed if you want to!

First, I must say that using positive affirmations or subliminals will be a waste of time if you aren’t really focused on said growth, because what you believe about yourself in every aspect of your life is what you are attracting…for instance…

If you have a lot of confusion, frustration, anger, or distrust, you will find yourself realizing more and more of these feelings within you and all around you (which makes you a pessimist by the way). Yet, if you are an optimist, you will find that no matter what life throws at you, you continually find a way to realize that “when a door closes, a window opens.”  I have found that most people are somewhere in the middle, and so would like the chance to grow.  But how?

If you are the pessimist that realizes it, and also concludes that it’s time to make the change, then congratulations!  You are in for a wonderful ride, which will be a two steps forward one step back kind of proposition.  You will always be in control of your thoughts, actions, feelings, and behaviors.  Because you are finding out something that is a Universal Law, that only you control yourself, and the results you are looking at in your life are yours and yours alone.

Step 1:  Get out a notebook, and start to write down your thoughts on each of these topic as they come to you…Self image, family, friends, love, money, work, success, abundance, health. You may find that you have a lot of thoughts that are positive and some that are negative.  If you have positive thoughts, then leave it alone.  If it’s negative, think about how you can change it into a more positive and believable thought.

Example:  Under health, “I am overweight“, could be positively charged by saying, “I’ve lost weight before and I can do it again.”  Repeat for all limiting thoughts.

Step 2:  See what topics had the most negative or limiting beliefs, and vow that you will change them so that you can improve your self image.  Repeat this phrase, “I am too important to believe anything negative about myself, and I am getting better at noticing my good qualities every day.”

Step 3:  Choose a free subliminal from Youtube or the internet, and use the headphones or download it to your mp3, and listen to during the day or at night.  Reprogramming your mind using subliminals is a great way to put you in control of your own thoughts, and remind yourself of who you really were meant to be.  I use iGodMind on YouTube, and love the lite versions of the many subliminals offered by Ty Sumrall for free.  I saved a playlist and just put it on when I can throughout the day.

Step 4:  Keep up this new plan for at least 30 days, and switch subliminals after you have built up more confidence in each area.  Your results will likely come in quickly after you have really started using positive affirmations, eliminated the limiting beliefs, and using the subliminals over time.

Much love and blessings!