Belief Systems and Paradigms

Belief Systems and Paradigms

This main page about life belief systems and paradigms will allow you to focus on shifting your paradigm if you wish to, with instructions on how to change your internal scripts and dialogue.

Why would anyone want to change?  Most people don’t change unless there is a really good reason to.  Maybe a person is unhappy or sick and realizes that something’s gotta give.  Or, maybe life just gives you too much to handle and you start to consider that you’re not living the life you wanted.  Or, a whole load of circumstances piled up to force you to change…

Either way, life is change.  Did you ever notice that?  You are always older and hopefully, wiser…but why not willingly change into what you really wish to become, rather than going through life on default, just taking hits or dodging them?  I’ve heard people say, “it’s one thing after another,” when they are in default mode.  More and more of the SOS just keeps coming, because the focus is on problems, not solutions.

A lot of self-help gurus talk about changing your paradigms, and I especially love Dr. Wayne Dyer, who said, “when you change the things you look at, the things you look at change.”  This has profound meaning, because this one statement can immediately and immensely help anyone who wants to get on the right path for their life.  Just think about a person whose life is completely lackluster, and he just gets through the day–maybe he once had bigger dreams, but has deserted the idea of trying, and is so jaded that he can barely get through the day without a barrage of worries and fears about the future.  He has no hope and the only thing he focuses on is negativity–reliving the past, fear of future.

But then, somehow, he manages to realize that there is more to life than what he has been living! He has hope again…and then the things he looks at begin to change…and now he can see possibilities where he thought there were none.  He can now find time to do something he finds interesting, and when he does, he meets someone new.  A whole series of fun begins to unfold, until–WHACK!  He either realizes that it’s all temporary, so he just goes right back to being miserable, OR, he realizes it’s all temporary so he can keep up the positive momentum (and find good things to notice) until he feels better ALL the time.  If he can get over the “hump” so to speak, he’ll be golden.

This positive momentum is a beautiful process, where each person can really begin to find his or herself again…the focus shifts from negative thoughts and worries or lack, to creating the exact idea of what is really wanted, to allowing the best in the self to shine, and taking a risk, even if it’s a small risk each day, to be better than the day before.

I know which person I’d rather be right now, but believe me, I’ve been both!  I much prefer an attitude of abundance, which embraces all people where they are at, and realizes that all in life is good.  Life is a natural progression of all that I have become, and I love all of me.  The more I love and accept myself, the more good I draw to me.  I release all fears and limitations easily.  I do give more detailed information on HOW to do this in my self love report, and it’s free.

Shifting your paradigm doesn’t have to be difficult, it only requires some quiet reflection on each life area.  Your limiting thoughts can easily be dispelled and replaced by better and more true thoughts…empowering thoughts that will actually build your foundation of feeling strong for your future.  You are so important, so make sure you have built yourself on solid ground, that can’t be shaken.

Much love and many blessings!
