I am that I am Dr Wayne Dyer

I am super excited at the changes I feel in my life using the “I am that I am” affirmation by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I’m reading Wishes Fulfilled by Dyer, and finding it a very satisfying read.  Most importantly, I am trying to feel within my body the true feelings that come with “I am that I am.”

Where this phrase comes from is the Bible, but how many others have written about it afterwards, who knows?  I just know that the way Dr. Dyer explains anything makes the material easy and fun to learn and use.  He says that when we say, “I am that I am,” it means that since we came from God, we are a part of God, and therefore, we can conjure and create anything we want.  As in, “all things are possible with God.”

Maybe you can relate, as when I was young and ready to take on the world, my confidence came from God, but I attributed it to good situations in my life (like going to college and getting a good job)…so when the good situations changed…I lost my confidence!

I now have built the foundation again so that my confidence comes from knowing who I am…the “I am that I am” concept being a big part of it, so that nothing outside of me (external) can shake my confidence now.  I love getting older, and since today is my birthday, I thought I’d be thankful for this blessing that has entered my life at exactly the right time so that I can think on it and nurture it into the next years.  I am so much happier because of this idea that I don’t even have words for it.

Once I understood this concept that I really am the same material as God, I have gone on to use especially meaningful positive affirmations using the “I am” concept…

I am strong. I am perfect.  I am unique.  I am creative.  I am inspired.  I am abundant.  I am free.  I am love.  I am flexible.

I am whatever I decide to be, and I can change.  I am kind.  I am generous.  I am in service.  I am fun.  I am complete.  I am satisfied.  I am eager.  I am enthusiastic.  I am vitality.  I am energy.  I am empowered.  I am passionate.  I am sincere. I am beautiful.

And so the list can go on and on, and maybe you will find some you like and use them in your own life and really feel who you are.  If you have something you’d like to change, you can remind yourself who you are as well, and think only on these affirmations.  This is who you are (rather than the doubts, fears, or worries you have)…and the naysayers are always wrong, but sometimes they point us in the right direction…to who we want to be…:)

Please lmk how you like these powerful affirmations.  I am always seeing you as your highest self.

Much love from Jen C.

You Can’t Jump From Anger to Happy

Changing your vibration takes some time, and you can’t jump from anger to happy easily.  Have you noticed this already?  It’s true!

If you are angry, you slowly move up the emotional scale…you go from anger to resentment maybe, or anger to frustration. And then, from there, you might move into a more positive state.  You can ask for relief from where you are at to move up the scale more easily and quickly.  Or just get into a different vibe by changing the topic.

Dropping the issue is so effective, because you release your resistance to it.  If you had an argument with your spouse, it has the potential to eat you up all day.  Or you can find one of a few ways that work for you to let it go.  Let’s think about what works best for the most people.

I already mentioned two, getting relief, and changing the subject.  I also find that getting some exercise really helps, because my body is happy and active AND the subject is changed simultaneously.  And, finding appreciation in all of the things that you do love about this spouse, or any other topic you love.

What works best for you to release your anger and get back to being happy?

Much love!

Is Fear Good or Is Fear Natural

So many people talk about having fear and that  it’s good or natural considering certain circumstances.

Is fear good or is fear natural?  LOA says that fear is us getting a signal from our inner being that is showing us that we don’t agree with the good that our inner being sees us as.

Here’s an interesting video on it from my friend Zehra, another LOA coach.

I have been affirming for a long time, that fear is not real, it’s just me not seeing the truth in a situation.  I know when I’m getting fearful of something (like someone getting sick or not having enough) is to be general about everything in order to get off the subject.  It is always such a relief to change the subject, as this video talks about!  It works every time!

I know I started talking about something yesterday, and it was a topic I previously had fear about.  Today, I’m not feeling my best, because some residual thoughts keep coming up.  Now, I move into feeling appreciation for myself and love for myself instead, because then, I can access all of the good feelings I do have.  I can now remember them more readily.

And I am wishing you the same, that if a fear comes up, remember that you can acknowledge it’s place.  You can instead, move into good or better feelings of relief.  You must know that you are so loved and appreciated, and that you are supported in every way.  Take the time to remember when there are little things coming up, and then it will be easier when a bigger fearful thought comes up.  We all have them, but only some people ignore the fear, change the subject, take a nap, or get into the vortex.  I am believing you are one that does.  So be it!

Much love!

Dealing with Cancer or Major Illness in Adults and Children

If you are dealing with cancer or major illness in adults and children, I have a special article for you.  I’m writing it with you in mind, so know that I am sending waves of love to you right now to help your healing journey.

It’s going to shake you up and probably make you cry.  Because when you believe that your thoughts can get better and help you create the life you’ve dreamed of, it’s actually possible to make that happen.  (It might also leave you disbelieving because we all know that the negative is also true, that if you have a clouded mind and believe you’ll end up sick in a certain way, you probably will.  No need to blame and feel guilt, just move on to a right now that is better feeling.)

Mind you, I am a former teacher/guidance counselor and pride myself in being a calm and considerate person, and I am always striving to be better and more compassionate each day…

My daughter tried to get me to watch “The Fault in Our Stars” in the theater last year, and I wouldn’t go, because my personal belief system had changed so much about cancer (we had a scare and thought that my middle daughter was pretty ill), that I didn’t think I could handle watching it without feeling super sympathetic about disease and bringing me back to that same fear based thinking that I was doing before. More

The Law of Increase is How To Manifest More of Anything

The law of increase is really how to manifest more of anything.  So, whether we are complaining or praising, we are increasing something…and the stuff and the feelings will come into our lives.  The law of increase is one of the universal laws, and there are ten others, with the law of attraction being another.

Are we paying attention to what we are really saying?  At home, are we complaining about our family or ourselves and holding everyone to a really high or perfectionistic standard?  At work, are we resentful of the personality differences that make a team stronger?

When we really get connected to ourselves, we believe in who we are and what we want.  We don’t need to fix ourselves or anyone else, because all good things will happen naturally in it’s own good time.  Under grace and in perfect ways.

The law of increase is the universe’s guide to getting more or less of what you want.  So, when we pay attention to something-feeling good, for instance–and realize how amazing it is, then we are focusing for long enough for the good feelings to increase.  Or the exact opposite.

The trick is to not have a lot of resistance, like everything is easy, that you believe that all the stuff you want is coming, so you get feeling like it actually is. More

Using Thankfulness for Quick Energy Improvements

Need a quick energy improvement? Your whole demeanor will change for the better as you begin using thankfulness in your daily life…not only using it but practicing it, and really feeling it.  Saying “thank you”, and feeling “thank you” can be very different experiences.

How do you feel thankfulness when you think life is terrible or you have a big problem?  You get a clear mind before you start affirming the good things you do want…

In LOA, you literally ignore negative emotions as much as possible:

  • When you think of a “past” event that caused you pain, instead of focusing on the painful part, remind yourself of the amazing ways you overcame the situation and how you are now stronger and more ready to claim the great stuff you have put in your vortex.
  • Look at the big picture as much as you can, realizing that life is awesome if we step back a bit.
  • Realize that everything is temporary, and that you can choose to feel better right now, and that is where the power is.

Pivot to a better feeling thought:

  • Abraham-Hicks or Esther Hicks say that when you are feeling something negative or not wanted, we know intuitively that we can think a better thought, and it doesn’t need to be a big jump, but only a little step toward positivity.
  • She also says that when we are in a really negative situation, that is the perfect time to ask for what we are really wanting.  For example, when we are sick, we want wellness.  When money is tight, we want abundance.  When we feel tired, we want energy and vitality.  When we are lonely, we are wishing for a good relationship.  The asking is greater when there are more problems, so use this effectively–turn it to the positive and choose a better feeling thought.
  • I saw Esther in Philly on Oct. 19th, 2013 for a very powerful workshop, and she began with, “I know I can say that better…” to just about everything she said.

Think of easy and comfortable thoughts that don’t bring up resistance:

  • Think about trees or some part of nature that you love.
  • Think about a pet or just pet your dog or cat (the unconditional love pets show keeps us in good alignment).
  • Think about topics that just make you get happy, and try to refer to the top 10 things you love/appreciate often throughout the day.

When you get into the vortex, and are feeling pretty great, that’s when you can affirm more about what you really love in life and what you are truly thankful for and appreciating!

  • Write a page or two about the things and people, life events and circumstances that have brought you the most joy or the most change in life (daily).
  • Show thankfulness to others by helping when there is an opportunity.
  • Give journals as gifts and ask others to write out their appreciation as well.
  • Start a local group to meet weekly or monthly to get more effective and affective in emotions, especially appreciation.
  • Serve others:  Look at the Random Acts of Kindness Website to find ideas that you resonate with.  Inspire yourself and you will ignite others.


  • Think of yourself as a being of light, that is lit up and full of life and love.  You are so full that you are overflowing.  Your abundance is so strong, your love is so great, that it’s just pouring out.  Others are feeling it as well and holding more of their own light now.  They are glowing brighter because of you and you because of all the things that you are easily given.  No one has to compete or perform or jump through a hoop.  Every being is worthy of love and health and abundance.  You are thankful for all of the experiences in your life, because really they have all been good.  They were either directly good, or they showed you what you didn’t want and pushed you in a way that you decided to be better than the circumstances you were given.  All is well.  Life continues to flow, and you are thankful for it all.

There’s a few thoughts on bringing fast appreciation and thankfulness into life and milking it…therefore getting you more of it.  Watch your own energy soar as you begin to feel more good feelings because you took the time to appreciate.

Much love!


Belief Systems and Paradigms

Belief Systems and Paradigms

This main page about life belief systems and paradigms will allow you to focus on shifting your paradigm if you wish to, with instructions on how to change your internal scripts and dialogue.

Why would anyone want to change?  Most people don’t change unless there is a really good reason to.  Maybe a person is unhappy or sick and realizes that something’s gotta give.  Or, maybe life just gives you too much to handle and you start to consider that you’re not living the life you wanted.  Or, a whole load of circumstances piled up to force you to change…

Either way, life is change.  Did you ever notice that?  You are always older and hopefully, wiser…but why not willingly change into what you really wish to become, rather than going through life on default, just taking hits or dodging them?  I’ve heard people say, “it’s one thing after another,” when they are in default mode.  More and more of the SOS just keeps coming, because the focus is on problems, not solutions.

A lot of self-help gurus talk about changing your paradigms, and I especially love Dr. Wayne Dyer, who said, “when you change the things you look at, the things you look at change.”  This has profound meaning, because this one statement can immediately and immensely help anyone who wants to get on the right path for their life.  Just think about a person whose life is completely lackluster, and he just gets through the day–maybe he once had bigger dreams, but has deserted the idea of trying, and is so jaded that he can barely get through the day without a barrage of worries and fears about the future.  He has no hope and the only thing he focuses on is negativity–reliving the past, fear of future.

But then, somehow, he manages to realize that there is more to life than what he has been living! He has hope again…and then the things he looks at begin to change…and now he can see possibilities where he thought there were none.  He can now find time to do something he finds interesting, and when he does, he meets someone new.  A whole series of fun begins to unfold, until–WHACK!  He either realizes that it’s all temporary, so he just goes right back to being miserable, OR, he realizes it’s all temporary so he can keep up the positive momentum (and find good things to notice) until he feels better ALL the time.  If he can get over the “hump” so to speak, he’ll be golden.

This positive momentum is a beautiful process, where each person can really begin to find his or herself again…the focus shifts from negative thoughts and worries or lack, to creating the exact idea of what is really wanted, to allowing the best in the self to shine, and taking a risk, even if it’s a small risk each day, to be better than the day before.

I know which person I’d rather be right now, but believe me, I’ve been both!  I much prefer an attitude of abundance, which embraces all people where they are at, and realizes that all in life is good.  Life is a natural progression of all that I have become, and I love all of me.  The more I love and accept myself, the more good I draw to me.  I release all fears and limitations easily.  I do give more detailed information on HOW to do this in my self love report, and it’s free.

Shifting your paradigm doesn’t have to be difficult, it only requires some quiet reflection on each life area.  Your limiting thoughts can easily be dispelled and replaced by better and more true thoughts…empowering thoughts that will actually build your foundation of feeling strong for your future.  You are so important, so make sure you have built yourself on solid ground, that can’t be shaken.

Much love and many blessings!


Positive Affirmations and Acne

So glad to share what I’ve learned about having acne and then using positive affirmations to clear up my skin.  This is my personal perspective, beginning when I was nine years old, and over the process of this year (as a 40 year old woman), I’ve learned to use my mind to control when and how much acne I get/have and how fast it will clear up.

If you yourself have had issues with acne, wondered why you really get acne, and how to have clear skin, maybe these positive affirmations and tips will help you as well.

For me, I have noticed a clear connection with my emotional state and my outbreaks.  For decades, I tried to tell myself that the outbreaks were due to hormonal changes, maybe my period coming, or stress.  True or not, I wasn’t controlling the stress!  Changing my pillow case didn’t help, and every time a new medicine came out, I tried it, but it would quickly stop working if it did at all.  The law of attraction was truly working for me the whole time—but because I was focused on the yucky parts and looking at what IS, rather than what I wanted to be, I kept getting more of the acne.

My acne was so bad that I would get cysts that could last for 3-6 months, and other nasty looking patches all over my face, hairline, and scalp.  If you are wondering how this has affected my esteem…YES!  I did some positive affirmations to make myself feel better when I was younger and before I knew anything about the law of attraction.  As I grew older, I did learn to be more confident despite having this issue.

Maybe you also have noticed the times when you believe your acne shows up, and times when it clears up?  Maybe you have noticed that your thoughts are affecting all that you are and all that you are becoming?  I offer this article because I have learned to control my thoughts in such a way that I cleared up what was considered a completely lost case of acne, with no medical intervention whatsoever, only using my thoughts, changing my mental game to a more positive one.

I also used muscle testing to define what exactly was causing my acne.  I got in the standard, standing up position to see which way I would sway when I asked my body a question (forward or backward).  I determined that my body swayed forward when I asked, “Can my acne clear up as my general well being improves?”  In muscle testing, a positive sway means that the body is answering “Yes.”  A backwards sway means “No.”  My body answered “No” for a variety of questions such as anger, fear, sadness, grief, you name it.  So, I was pretty sure to just work on my general well being, my self love, and just doing the things that make me happy.  Read to the end for more tips to use alongside the positive affirmations for acne.

Use the Silva method, get to the relaxed alpha state, get in the vortex (link to loa blog article), then affirm.

“I love doing the mental process that will help me with my overall happiness, then later my face and skin will clear up naturally.  As I get into a good vibe a few times a day, I give myself permission to find good things about myself.  I am unique and offer many gifts to humanity.  I am strong and powerful, and every day, I am changing for the better.”

“I love to take some time to appreciate and love myself, the things that I do well at work, the things I know my family and friends love, the things that feel great while I am doing them.  I love knowing that I bring this appreciation, love, and strength to many others, that they gain their own empowerment by watching me.  I am a guiding light, and a beacon for others to find their way as well.”

“My life has been a thing of beauty, just look at what I’ve done!  I have come so far, and here I am now with so much to appreciate…(take some time to appreciate the people, events, and circumstances that matter).  It’s ok if it takes time to clear up, because I know that I am on the right path, as long as I get into the vortex often, and stay there and milk the fun things that are happening and the good in my life, as long as I choose to feel good, I am in exactly the right place!”

Find all the amazing things about yourself that you can, and remember them often throughout the day, especially in the morning when you are still laying in bed, and at night before sleep.  This morning/nighttime process helps to really set the tone for each day to be more positive.

Share this article with your friends and family to empower them as well!

Much love and blessings!

What are Positive Affirmations

I obviously LOVE using positive affirmations on a regular basis throughout my day–I see the power I am creating within myself, I see how good I feel when I focus in this particular way, I see so many good things happening right before my eyes.  But what if you are wondering if any sort of inspirational mantra or affirmation would work for you or someone you love?  Are you a believer, or are you sitting on the fence about whether or not “I am” statements work? Definitely spend some time deciding which camp you are in!  You will have evidence that positive affirmations work depending on which you believe…and get my free self love report as well! 🙂

Look closely at your belief system…be loving as you do, because every person has some limiting beliefs about himself.  For instance, there are people who believe they can do anything they set their mind to, and there are others who just “know” they wouldn’t succeed at a task so they don’t even try.  There are people who think they have always been “fat” and others who believe that they can eat anything, have a fast metabolism, and stay slim.  When you look at these two examples, success attitude or metabolism/weight, you will notice which people you know in each group.

Think of the people you know, your own family and friends, coworkers, spouse, and children, and of course–yourself–and now try to realize your own beliefs about yourself and the world around you.  Take the time to see in which of the following areas of your life you feel you are successful, or if you have a lot of doubt, fear, or confusion.

The main life areas I’d think have the most significance are:

  • Self, including self-love
  • Family,
  • Education,
  • Relationship with spouse,
  • Children,
  • Work,
  • Money
  • Health
  • Friends
  • Community and Service.

When you look at each topic, what comes up for you?  Do you include loving statements about yourself each day, such as, “I am a kind person, a successful person, a great cook, an awesome wife or mother”?  Get on board with using these statements to help yourself reach your goals! In family, do you realize how important you are in the world and your family?  Make a statement!  Do you believe you are smart, or at least smart enough to accomplish a particular goal?  Do you realize what amazing qualities you bring to your relationship with your partner? You are the only person in the entire world that has ever had the particular mix of traits YOU offer.  Give yourself credit freely and often.

Do you enjoy being a parent?  Have you realized your gifts in parenting?  What work are you doing here on earth and do you love it?  Would you like to change some thing about your path, but don’t know how?  Are you making the money you’d like to make?  Would you like an increase in money without a lot of extra work?  And, are you healthy?  Do you realize how many parts of your body DO work right, do you realize how you heal each time you’ve been sick?  Do you know that being sick is a choice?  Are you self-actualizing in the way you’d like, with your hobbies, friends, and community service?

I bet you are shocked at some of the beliefs you didn’t realize were there.  Well, here is the way to resolve how to get where you want to be.  Stay focused, and allow yourself to tap into the abundance that is always flowing for you.  Don’t go back into your past looking for ways to relive it.  Forgive others, move on, and create your future with nothing but eagerness and fun.  I heard it said that there is a reason why our eyes are in the front of our heads, so we don’t look back. Don’t let your limiting beliefs of the past or present continue to determine your bright, amazing future.  You deserve the best!

Positive affirmations are helpful statements a person can make to his/herself to affirm or declare who he is and what he wants.  Many times, the statement begins with “I am…” for affirming in the present and asking for a particular trait that he is seeking is extremely important.

Examples of a few I am statements are:

  • I am strong,
  • I am rich,
  • I am healing,
  • I am loving and peaceful,
  • I am happy.

Using an I am statement is so powerful because it creates a vibration in that emotional state, as long as the person believes it to be true.  Yet, sometimes people do use an affirmation that isn’t really true because that is what they desire and wish to have more of, a very helpful and important thing to do.

I use a combination of “I am” statements, but I also use statements such as, “Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.”  This is an all around, one-two-punch positive affirmation that covers all your bases.  I also remind myself frequently that:

  • “All good things come to me”,
  • All is well,
  • Every thing is working out for me.
  • Life is easy, life is fun, all  is well and getting “well-er” as said by Esther Hicks.

All things I affirm are meant to be done in a general way or about a specific topic, I just choose the ones that feel good at the time.  For instance, if I’ve been noticing how good things are with my husband, I milk it and affirm how great our marriage is for a few minutes while I am alone in thought.  I do the same for my children, noticing all of their triumphs and successes, how amazing they are doing, how happy I am to be their mother.  I find myself repeating often that “my greatest blessings call me mother.”

You are smart, and you can easily see that anything I repeat to myself is phrased positively and in the present tense.  As the law of increase declares, “whatever you praise will increase.”  So, make it a point to praise all the things in life that are working out wonderfully; notice them, appreciate them, and more love, appreciation, and good situations and people will come to you.

The alternate is also true, that if you are complaining, you will get more things to complain about, so be cautious if this has become your normal state of thinking.  It is possible to get back to a state of appreciation on EVERY topic in your life, but it takes practice.  This is because negativity happens over time, and it can’t be changed in a day, but if you practice appreciation and positive affirmations REGULARLY and don’t give up on them, they will change your life.

So, what are positive affirmations?  The single-most powerful tool you have to become the genius, loving, healthy, wealthy, and happy, joyous person you were meant to be.  They can be easily used with hypnosis, subliminals, The Silva Method, and many other techniques with great success to change your belief system or change your paradigm. Use them with reckless abandon to feel good on the way to all the things you desire.

I promise!  Much love.