The Law of Increase is How To Manifest More of Anything

The law of increase is really how to manifest more of anything.  So, whether we are complaining or praising, we are increasing something…and the stuff and the feelings will come into our lives.  The law of increase is one of the universal laws, and there are ten others, with the law of attraction being another.

Are we paying attention to what we are really saying?  At home, are we complaining about our family or ourselves and holding everyone to a really high or perfectionistic standard?  At work, are we resentful of the personality differences that make a team stronger?

When we really get connected to ourselves, we believe in who we are and what we want.  We don’t need to fix ourselves or anyone else, because all good things will happen naturally in it’s own good time.  Under grace and in perfect ways.

The law of increase is the universe’s guide to getting more or less of what you want.  So, when we pay attention to something-feeling good, for instance–and realize how amazing it is, then we are focusing for long enough for the good feelings to increase.  Or the exact opposite.

The trick is to not have a lot of resistance, like everything is easy, that you believe that all the stuff you want is coming, so you get feeling like it actually is. More